About this Event
1000 Rollins Street, Columbia, MO 65203
Join 100+ exhibitors from companies,organizations,and graduate programs eager to engage with talented students seeking employment, learning, and service opportunities in the Health and Wellness space. Bring copies of your current resume, professional dress required, and take advantage of our FREE LinkedIn Photo Booth. For the most current list of exhibitors, log into Handshake https://missouri.joinhandshake.com/career_fairs/41187/student_preview?token=MoU-9HX_tgj2-mc-sRt2F3npzsHwhJRG9qNFc_EDr2JoSd6_L_iNHg Student Registration Opens on Monday, August 21st. Registration is not required but it let's recruiters know that you plan to attend and increases the chances that they could reach out to prior to the fair to send a personal invitation to visit their table.