SAVE THE DATE: Master of Public Health (MPH) Program Info Session
Friday, February 14, 2025 1pm to 2pm
About this Event
Interested in a health career, but unsure of your options? Interested in promoting health, preventing disease, investigating disease risk factors, community wellness, environmental health, or other areas of health promotion? Join us for our virtual Master of Public Health Information Session to learn more about what our MPH can do for you! The MPH program at Mizzou may be completed in-person or online. Students value our convenience and cost-competitiveness. Job placements have included the National Institutes of Health; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; local and state public health organizations; World Health Organization; health care settings, and universities. This session will take place on February 14, from 1-2pm. To RSVP or for additional questions, please contact Jacob Nicholson at
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