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Session led by Craig Rush, PhD, Professor of Behavioral Science, University of Kentucky College of Medicine (attend in person or virutally)


Competition for National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding is extraordinarily competitive. The first 1.5 hours of this workshop will be devoted to general grant-writing topics, such as developing an idea, preparing a strategy for proposal generation and identifying funding sources. A 30-minute question-and-answer period will follow. Although our focus is on NIH applications, the information will apply to other federal and private-sector funders, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Department of Defense, Food and Drug Administration and the pharmaceutical industry.

Dr. Rush has over 20 years of success with NIH funding and has served as the principal investigator on nearly 30 grants. He currently directs a National Institute on Drug Abuse institutional training grant titled “Research Training in Drug Abuse Behavior” (5T32 DA035200) as well as an NIH National Research Service Award. His remarkable record demonstrates his career-long commitment to mentoring numerous undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral students and early career faculty. Many of these people are now successful NIH-funded investigators. He has authored or co-authored nearly 160 publications, more than 100 of which included at least one trainee.


  • friedmansc
  • Hye Jeong Choi
  • Nancy C. Cheak-Zamora
  • smithnich

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