Tri-Continental Partnership Series on Race and Racism: The Many Meanings of Thomas Jefferson
Thursday, October 29, 2020 12pm to 1:30pm
About this Event
Two University of Missouri faculty members will present a complex composite of Thomas Jefferson by talking about his contributions and his contradictions: his philosophical ideals, his ideas about the American people he wrote and thought about, and the impact of all of this on our contemporary perceptions of him. They will engage in a conversation that will present a full view of a complex man who had a significant impact on ideas of citizenship and racial identity in the United States.
This webinar will be held on Zoom — join the session (registration not required).
Dr. Stephanie Shonekan, MU Departments of Music and Black Studies
Dr. Jeff Pasley, MU Department of History and Kinder Institute on Constitutional Democracy
The Tri-Continental Partnership is a trilateral agreement between the University of Missouri, University of the Western Cape in South Africa and Ghent University in Belgium.
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