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Columbia, MO 65211
http://theatre.missouri.eduVotes for Women
By Elizabeth Robins,
an American version, adapted and directed by Dr. Cheryl Black
To celebrate the centennial anniversary of the ratification of the nineteenth amendment, MU Theatre presents a commemoration of the ratification of the nineteenth amendment, freely adapted from Elizabeth Robins’s 1906 feminist classic and other historical sources. Our production relocates the action to America, where suffragists marched, preached, wrote, sang, rallied, went to prison and rode horses down Fifth Avenue to win “the free delights of women’s rights!”
7:30 p. m. March 11 - 14
2:00 p.m. March 15
Rhynsburger Theatre
MU Theatre box office in the Rhynsburger Theatre lobby from 2-5 p.m., Mon. – Fri and one hour before show times.
Or by calling 573-882-PLAY (7529) and online at theatre.missouri.edu
EARLY BIRD DISCOUNTS: $2 discount on tickets purchased one week or more ahead of show at box office. Early Bird discount is not available online or by phone. Group discounts available only at the Rhynsburger box office, please call (573) 882-PLAY (7529).
The Rhynsburger Theatre
505 Hitt St.
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