About this Event
38.94536, -92.32524
https://cafnr.missouri.edu/We look forward to seeing you at the fourth annual CAFNR Research Symposium, showcasing how CAFNR students, post-docs, faculty and staff are working to create a healthy world. The symposium will be held Tuesday, Oct. 1, and will feature lightning talks, a poster session, research presentations and more.
A special event celebrating the 75th anniversary of the clinical potential of Aureomycin, the first tetracycline, a “wonder-drug” antibiotic discovered in the soil of Mizzou’s own Sanborn Field, will kick off the symposium on Monday, Sept. 30. Speakers will showcase the important connection between the health of our soil, food and world.
Registration has now closed. If you have questions regarding the symposium or would like to request to register late, please contact Vicki Bryan (bryanvj@missouri.edu).
8 a.m.: Coffee and pastries
8:30-9 a.m.: Opening Remarks
Shibu Jose, Associate Dean for Research, College of Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources (CAFNR)
Christopher Daubert, Vice Chancellor and Dean, CAFNR
Matthew Martens, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor, University of Missouri
9-10 a.m.: Keynote Speaker
David Lytle, Deputy Chief, USDA Forest Service
10-10:15 a.m.: Morning Break
Session 1: Sustainable & Resilient Agriculture to Feed the World
10:15-11:15 a.m.
Opening Speaker: Rob Myers, Division of Plant Science & Technology
Lightning Talks
Carissa Bersche, Division of Biochemistry, Investigating the Genetic Interaction of Vesicular Trafficking Components in Plant Growth, Basal Immune Response, and Immune Protein Accumulation
Lucas Branco, Division of Animal Sciences, Rescuing the Weight Loss in Calves Caused by Toxic Fescue
Hannah Miller, Division of Animal Sciences, Understanding the Impact of Corn-Based Fiber on the Gastrointestinal Tract and Microbiota in Growing Pigs
Julius Olumeh, Division of Plant Sciences and Technology, Parameters for Evaluation of Defense Tradeoff in Selection of Solanum lycopersicon cultivars in IPM Against Tuta absoluta
Peng Tian, Division of Plant Science and Technology, A Survey of Viruses of Missouri Elderberry
Priya Voothuluru, Division of Plant Science and Technology, Potential Role of Exodermal Suberin in Maize Root Growth Regulation and Root Exudation
10:45-11:15 a.m.
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Kelly Wilson, School of Natural Resources
Panelists: Jordan Thomas, Division of Animal Sciences
Pat Westhoff, Division of Applied Social Sciences
So-Yon Park, Division of Plant Sciences and Technology
Session 2: Water Resources
11:15 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Opening Speaker: Noel Aloysius, School of Natural Resources & College of Engineering
Lightning Talks
Akanksha Balha, School of Natural Resources, Incorporating Reservoir Operations and Point Sources of Pollution in Environmental Impact Assessment Models
Neil Fox, School of Natural Resources, Using Weather Radar for Soil Erosion Studies
Kamerian Fryer, School of Natural Resources, Risk of Multiple Forms of Cander Associated with Exposure to Nitrates in Drinking Water
Kendall Smith, School of Natural Resources, Effect of Multifrequency Acoustic Stimuli on Grass Carp Swimming Velocity
Christopher Steward, School of Natural Resources, Evaluation of X-band Radar Derived Precipitation Estimates as Input in Watershed Modeling and Streamflow Forecasting
11:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m.
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Rob Jacobson (former USGS)
Panelists: Neil Fox, School of Natural Resources
Sherry Hunt , USDA
12:15-1:15 p.m.: Lunch (on your own)
Session 3: Weather Extremes & Future of Agriculture
1:15-2:15 p.m.
Opening Speaker: Qian Liu, School of Natural Resources
Lightning Talks
Atanas Dommo, School of Natural Resources, Spatial and Temporal Analysis and Trends of Extreme precipitation over the Mississippi River Basin, USA during 1988-2017
Anthony Lupo, School of Natural Resources, Weather and Climate Variability in Missouri
Sydney Moore, Division of Plant Science & Technology, Environment Affects Performance, Fruit Yields, and Fruit Chemistry of Diverse American Elderberry Genotypes
Drushya Ramesh, Division of Food, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences, Evaluating the White Nectarine Drying Process as an Effective Kill-Step for Controlling Salmonella and Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia Coli
1:45-2:15 p.m.
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Rob Kallenbach, Associate Dean for Extension, CAFNR
Panelists: Zack Leasor, School of Natural Resources
Felix Fritschi, Division of Plant Sciences and Technology
Ron Mittler, Division of Plant Sciences and Technology
Session 4: Digital Agriculture & Natural Resources
2:15-3:15 p.m.
Opening Speaker: Ken Sudduth, USDA, ARS
Lightning Talks
Amanda Dwikarina, School of Natural Resources, Exploring American Elderberry Compounds for Antioxidant, Antiviral, and Antimicrobial Properties Through High-Throughput Screening Assays Combined with Untargeted Global Metabolomics
Ryan Gross, School of Natural Resources, Age Distributions and Establishment Traits of White oak (Quercus alba L.) Advance Reproduction Under Uneven-Aged Management in the Ozark Highlands
Hong He, School of Natural Resources, Assessing the Current and Potential Future Distribution of Six Non-native Invasive Plants in the Central Hardwood Region, U.S.A.
2:45-3:15 p.m.
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Heike Buecking, Division of Plant Sciences and Technology
Panelists: Jasmine Neupane, Division of Plant Sciences and Technology
Hong He, School of Natural Resources
Derek Brake, Division of Animal Sciences
3:15-4:45 p.m.: Reception/Poster Session in N214 Memorial Union
4:30 p.m.: Poster voting ends
4:45 p.m.: Closing Remarks & Poster Award Presentation
Shibu Jose, Associate Dean for Research, CAFNR