MAP-A Training from Heart of MO Regional Professional Development Center
Friday, September 29, 2017 8:30am to 2:30pm
About this Event
111 London Hall, Columbia, MO 65211
The Heart of Missouri RPDC is proud to offer sessions for both new and experienced MAP-A training.
New to MAP-A Training
Friday, September 22nd
Register at
This training is for Special Education personnel who are NEW to the administration of the MAP-A, and for those who need to be familiar with the DLM process. Participants will learn the vocabulary and the steps to administer the MAP-A to their students. Participants will learn how the various levels of the map work together to create a dynamic test for each individual student, how to select appropriate Essential Elements based on the blueprints and grade level, and how to integrate instructionally relevant testlets into classroom instruction on a regular basis. Additionally, participants will learn how to use Educator Portal. Important dates to remember will be discussed.
Experienced MAP-A Training
Friday, September 29th
Register at
For Special Education personnel who have previously been trained to administer the MAP-A. This training will review choosing Essential Elements to assess student skills, review any changes made to the KITE Suite, and discuss important dates, and review how to integrate instructionally relevant testlets into daily instruction.
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