About this Event
38.93255140228567, -92.33376128298801
https://engineering.missouri.edu/student-services/career-services/career-fair/ #engineering, career services, career fair, job, internshipExplore engineering careers, find an internship or land a job at the Fall 2024 Mizzou Engineering Career Fair! The Career Fair will be 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, 2024, at the Mizzou Arena.
This is your opportunity to network with more than 200 companies recruiting engineers for full-time positions, internships and co-ops. The fair is free and open to all Mizzou students, regardless of major. First hour (10-11 a.m.) is designed for first time attendees (e.g. freshmen, transferred students) but not limited to school years.
While not required, pre-registration is highly encouraged. Pre-registering allows you to receive email updates regarding the event, and your nametag will be printed in advance to expedite your check-in at the Career Fair. Register by Tuesday, August 27 to ensure a pre-printed name tag. If you miss the deadline, you will be able to create handwritten, color-coded nametags at the check-in table. Tabling for nametag pick-up or making one prior to the Career fair to expedite your check-in process will be set up in front of the Student Services suite from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept 3, Wednesday, Sept 4, Monday, Sept 9 and Tuesday, Sept 10.
Engineering Career Services offers various events and workshops on topics such as preparing your resume, meeting employers for mock interviews, preparing for the Career Fair and more. Check the events page on Handshake regularly for updates.